ISP P2 Multi Servo Exercisor

Exercise/Characterize multiple servos connected via PCA9685 PWM controller

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This project was created to help me exercise many servos within a single project without re-cabling each servo to characterize it.

I grabbed a rotary controller and a TIMI OLED display from my parts bin and created this menu-based tester/exerciser.
At the repo, you'll find pictures of interaction with the project as well as my objects for the rotary encoder with push button, the TIMI display object, and the PCA9685 interface object as well as a servo object so that we can create an instance of the servo object for each servo in our projects which is connected through the PCA9685. We talk to these servo instances as if we are interacting with the servos directly.

Version (repository Latest)

GItHub repository: P2 Multi-servo Exerciser

See also the OBEX pages:

DOWNLOAD: please get this code directly from the repo.

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