ISP P2 VL53L5CX time of flight driver

Interacting with the VL53L5CX Time-of-Flight Sensor from our P2

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P2 VL53L5CX Object - A Port of the VL53L5CX I/F library/downloader to Spin2/Pasm2

(...Excerpt from STMicroelectronics webpage)

The VL53L5CX is a state-of-the-art, Time-of-Flight (ToF), multizone ranging sensor. Unlike conventional IR sensors, the VL53L5CX allows absolute distance measurement whatever the target color and reflectance. It provides accurate ranging up to 400 cm and can work at fast speeds (60 Hz). Multizone distance measurements are possible up to 8x8 zones with a wide 63° diagonal FoV, which can be reduced by software. The VL53L5CX is able to detect different objects within the FoV.

Version (repository latest)

GitHub repository: P2-VL53L5CX-time-of-flight-driver

This object (in my case) is used in a larger project which is referenced in the following forum thread:
Forum Thread: 180° Field of View Time-of-Flight sensor for the P2

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