ISP BLDC Motor Control

Multi-wheel BLDC motor control for the P2

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BLDC Motor Driver with steering and position tracking

Ready-to-use objects easily incorporated into your code that control Brushless DC (BLDC) motors via the Parallax 64010 Universal Motor Driver P2 Add-on Boards

Version: 5.0.0 Release Info

GitHub repository: P2 BLDC Motor Control

NOTE: Always check for more recent releases at the project P2 BLDC Motor Control Repository - Releases Page

Forum Thread: Universal Motor Driver - Dual wheel steering, motor control, and position tracking Objects for P2

What to download:

There are three files available for download. Choose one or more of the three:

  • all the code needed to demo single-motor control and integrate one motor into your project.
  • the code for dual motor control
  • the code for RaspberryPi or Arduino control of a two-motor system (includes the dual motor control code)

Zip archive download

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