ISP P2 RPi IoT Gateway

Object for P2 enabling email send, file access, control P2 via web-backend, etc.

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This provides a Spin2/Pasm2 object to be run on the P2. The P2 communicates over high-speed bidirectional serial with a connected Raspberry Pi (RPi), which runs a Python script that handles the requests from the P2. These requests provide access to many services, providing a rich internet-of-things (IoT) capability to our P2.

See the system diagram depicting how this all works: System Diagram

Today you can choose from:

  • Sending email from your P2
  • Controlling your P2 from a web page served from the attached RPi
  • Reading data from files on your Raspberry Pi
  • Writing data to files on your Raspberry Pi
  • Querying configuration values of Pi from the P2

A collection of demos with working code for each can be found at: DEMOs

At the Repository, you can find:

  • Full RPi setup and configuration details to get all features of the demo running on your own hardware
  • Wiring instructions for the serial communications from the P2 to the RPi
  • Configuration instructions for the RPi Apache web server
  • PHP-based demonstration web page(s) that shows a display of values received from P2 (and maybe even UI controls that can send values to the P2)
  • Both the P2 Object source and the RPi Python daemon scripts
  • Example code that shows each of the services being exercised

Version (1.0.0) Release Notes

GitHub repository: P2 RPi ioT Gateway

This capability is referenced in the following forum thread:
Forum Thread: using-a-raspberry-pi-as-an-iot-gateway-for-our-p2-projects

DOWNLOAD: please get this code directly from the repo. as there is both P2 code and Raspberry Pi code there for use.

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