ISP P2 180° Field of View TOF Sensor

Combine 4 VL53L5CX TOF sensors with a PCF8575 Port Expander to create a single wide-angle sensor

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A collection of P2 Spin2 objects allows us to realize a 180° field-of-view time-of-flight sensor by ganging 4 VL53L5CX TOF sensors in 45-degree fields to form a single 180-degree sensor. Additionally, we use a PCV8575 I2C I/O Expander to handle most of the I/O with the four sensors, thus reducing the number of pins needed to drive the sensor complex from the P2. My goal is to minimize the signals between the P2 and the Sensor. With this plan, there are 3.3V and 5V power and ground, an I2C bus with an Interrupt line for the PCF8575 (400KHz), and two I2C busses (1MHz, ea.) with two TOF sensors on each bus. This then is ten wires running between the P2 and the Sensor mechanism.

For more sensor detail and schematics, see: TOF Sensor: 180° Field of View

For logic analysis traces (showing what this all looks like on the I2C busses) and turn-on related documentation, See: Turning on the DIY Robotic Sensor w/180° Field of View

The demo uses an HDMI display to show sensor values. The schematics, pictures, and further documentation are provided at the GitHub repo.

Key features of this sensor driver are:

  • Uses 1 COG for communication with the 4x Satel boards and the PCF8575.
  • Uses six pins for I2C (could be reduced to 4) and one pin for sensing interrupts from the PCF8575
  • Maintains in-HUB RAM image of all sensor data (4 sets of data, 1 for ea. TOF sensor)
  • Full 180° frame unloads: 4x4 resolution at 12 Hz (12 full frames every second, a new frame every 83 mSec.)
  • Full 180° frame unloads: 8x8 resolution at 7 Hz (7 full frames every second, a new frame every 143 mSec.!)

Version (Repository latest)

GitHub repository: P2-VL53L5CX-time-of-flight-driver and more...

Forum Thread: 180° Field of View Time-of-Flight sensor for the P2

DOWNLOAD: please get this code directly from the repo.

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