Licence MIT
Parallax GPS SIM33EAU for SimpleIDE
Parallax GPS SIM33EAU demo supporting GNSS for SimpleIDE / C
Spin2 Script for converting a float to a string
PNut/Spin2 Latest Version (v50.1)
This is PNut_v50, which is the Parallax ongoing work-in-progress Spin2/PASM2 development tool.
Batch programming for the Propeller 1
Script provides one-click programming for Propeller based products - Handy to deploy upgrades
Step/Dir signal generator
Step/Dir signal generator for multiple axes with filtering
Sharing variables with SPIN2 and PASM2
Demonstrate passing and sharing multiple parameters, between SPIN2 and PASM2
IO Pin State Detection Demo
IO Pin State Detection Demo for the Propeller 2
Parallax P2 Library for Diptrace
Parallax Propeller 2 Library for Diptrace includes schematic symbols, patterns and 3D models
Propeller 2 Evaluation Board - 3D Model
Parallax Propeller 2 Evaluation Board - SKU 64000 - 3D Model