Servo32 V9

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Control up to 32 servos without external hardware.


  • Version 1 - - initial concept
  • Version 2 - (03-08-2006) - Beta release
  • Version 3 - (11-04-2007) - Improved servo resolution to 1uS
  • Version 4 - (05-03-2009) - Ability to disable a servo channel and remove channel preset requirement
  • Version 5 - (05-11-2009) - Added servo speed ramping
  • Version 6 - (07-18-2009) - Fixed slight timing skew in ZoneLoop and fixed overhead timing latency in ZoneCore
  • Version 7 - (08-18-2009) - Fixed servo jitter in ramping function when servo reached it's target position.
  • Version 8 - (12-20-2010) - Added PUB method to retrieve servo position
  • Version 9 - (04-05-2013) - cnt rollover issue corrected with ZonePeriod by setting up Counter A and using the Phase accumulator instead of the cnt Note: This also eliminates the need to setup a 'NoGlitch' variable

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