pixelmusic 3000 for Demoboard

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Demoboard Pixelmusic Mod v1.1
supporting 100MHz & 80MHz clocks. prior demoboard varients failed to function.
cx ggysbers on 012914

Cite original:

Korula, Tarikh. Web. "Pixelmusic 3000; Re-create a 1970s video trip by
plugging this box into any TV and audio source." 29 Jan 2015.

"In 1976, Atari introduced Atari Video Music, a plugged-in music visualizer designed by Pong creator Bob Brown that bridged the yawning gap between consumers stereos and their TV sets. The quirky, psychedelic pixelation device never caught on, but watching it in action today , one is taken back to another time, long before iTunes and Winamp visualizers. It was a time when vinyl, denim, Foghat, mood rings, limited color palettes, and RadioShack's business model all somehow made sense.

And while Foghat's career may be a distant memory, interest in Atari's long-gone device remains. So we introduce the Pixelmusic 3000, a weekend project that pays tribute to those groovy times, and to a product that was either too quirky or too revolutionary to make it past its first year's production run.

Today, of course, the technologies that enabled Atari Video Music are much smaller, cheaper, and more accessible. We'll use the Propeller microcontroller and its video libraries to create a simple AVM-like visualizer that feeds a TV."

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