KISS WAV Player Driver

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A WAV player driver that runs on one cog. The code has been fully optimized with a super simple spin interface for maximum speed and is also fully commented.

Provides full support for:

  • Playing ANY WAV file. (8-Bit/16-Bit, 1/2 Channels, 1-44100 Hz)
  • Pausing the playback of the playing WAV file.
  • Getting the state of the WAV player playing the WAV file.
  • Changing the left channel volume.
  • Changing the right channel volume.
  • Getting the WAV file sample rate.
  • Setting the WAV file sample rate.
  • Getting the number of samples in the WAV file.
  • Getting the current sample position in the WAV file.
  • Getting the current signed 16-Bit value being sent to the left channel output.
  • Getting the current signed 16-Bit value being sent to the right channel output.

Please download the V2 wav player. It is much imporved. The wav player now supports switching between wav files seamlessly.

Zip archive download

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