ISP P2 HUB75 Matrix - Morphing Digits

Add Morphing Digits to your HUB75 Matrix panel displays

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This project provides add-on files for use with the OBEX ISP Hub75 Matrix Driver

Patterned after the morphing clock project at the Hackaday website

This project is my nod to Hari Wiguna's HariFun #165 video. I chose to implement this using table-driven animations, with the table generated by a Python script using "segment adjacency" along with "segment on/off changes from digit to digit" and using the types of animations that Hari used. You'll find all the code I created in the project repository.

Video Demo: This project in action

Version: 1.0.0 Release Notes

GitHub repository: P2 LED-Matrix Morphing Digits

See also the OBEX pages:

DOWNLOAD: please download the latest code from the Repo.

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