Full Duplex Serial Port Driver

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A full duplex serial port driver that runs on one cog. The code has been fully optimized with a super simple spin interface for maximum speed and is also fully commented.

Provides full support for:

  • Receiving bytes,
  • Receiving words,
  • Receiving longs,
  • Receiving strings,
  • Transmitting bytes,
  • Transmitting words,
  • Transmitting longs,
  • Transmitting strings,
  • Getting the number of bytes in the RX buffer.
  • Getting the number of bytes in the TX buffer.
  • Checking if the RX buffer is empty or full.
  • Checking if the TX buffer is empty or full.
  • Flushing the RX buffer.
  • Filling the TX buffer.
  • Live baud rate changing.
  • Live stop bit changing.

Baud Rate from 1 BPS to 250,000 BPS @ 96 MHz - Full Duplex

This driver has a 256 byte receiving FIFO buffer.
This driver has a 256 byte transmitting FIFO buffer.

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