- Object ID : 4894 (2025-02-17 16:35:36)
- Author : Ray Allen
- Content : Code
- Microcontroller : Propeller 2
- Languages : PASM, SPIN2
- Category : Data Storage
- Licence : MIT
Here two uSD drivers that can both use your choice of three low level drivers.
One is inline assembly and doesn't need a cog, one uses a cog, and the other also uses a cog but adds audio output.
FSRW is a very minimalistic with only root directory access
FAT32 has more features and can access sub-directories
Tested with Propeller Tool 2.9.3
Note: I am not the author of most of this, just maintainer...
Update: Forum member EvanH has provided an improved version of the cogless sdspi, "sdspi_bashed3.spin2". This can replace "sdspi_bashed2.spin2" for improved performance.