Automated Home Security

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  • Object ID : 2221 (2013-06-17)
  • Author : KPD237 | added by Archiver
  • Content :
  • Microcontroller :
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For the Spineret Design Contest. Although, it was unfortunately not finished in time, I plan on continuing work on this project:

See the attached schematic for the layout for design of sensor circuit. They should be attached in the number ordered.


  • DHCP_GBSbuild_01_28_2011
  • kd_SensorArray
  • KPDAutomatedHomeSecurity
  • Parallax Serial Terminal
  • s-35390A_GBSbuild_01_23_2011

I owe an incredible amount of thanks to:

Mike G

Beau Schwabe

Roy ELtham

Jeff Martin

Andy Lindsay

Chip Gracey

and all the others that they built on.

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