Microcontroller Propeller 2
P2GUI (Encoder Version)
Spin2 framework for creating UIs using ILI9341 TFT displays that uses an encoder as input.
Neotimer (Non-blocking timer)
Implementation of a non-blocking timer utility for use in common timing and delays use cases
DC Motor Control
Uses P2 smart pins to provide PWM signals for motor speed and direction control.
ISP P2 HUB75 Matrix - Morphing Digits
Add Morphing Digits to your HUB75 Matrix panel displays
ISP P2 Multi Servo Exercisor
Exercise/Characterize multiple servos connected via PCA9685 PWM controller
ISP P2 TIMI Spin2 Object
P2 support for Breadboard Mates (BBM) TIMI line of OLED displays
ISP P2 RPi IoT Gateway
Object for P2 enabling email send, file access, control P2 via web-backend, etc.
ISP P2 180° Field of View TOF Sensor
Combine 4 VL53L5CX TOF sensors with a PCF8575 Port Expander to create a single wide-angle sensor
ISP P2 PCF8575 I2C I/O Expander Object
Interacting with the PCF8575 I/O port expander from our P2