On-Board Flash File System

Solid-state drive for the P2 Edge Module - Turn your Edge into a failsafe filesystem!

The On-Board Flash File System API uses the on-board W25Q128 flash chip that is (almost) always connected to the P2.

It turns the unused 15.5MB (after the initial 512KB boot area) into a solid-state drive for up to almost 4,000 files.

– Low-level features include wear leveling, format, read/write, stats.
– The driver is multi-cog compatible.
– CS is set high-on for compatibility with the built-in microSD card socket.

Follow and join in with the development progress at our forums: https://forums.parallax.com/discussion/175470/on-board-flash-file-system#latest

Simple code snippet for any P2 Edge module:

CON     _CLKFREQ        = 320_000_000

OBJ     Flash : "FlashFileSystem_16MB"

PUB gox()

  debug("Abort", sdec(go()))

PUB go()

'  Flash.Format()               'Comment out this line to not erase all files

  ShowStats()                   'Do a bunch of file stuff while reporting status, along the way

  WriteFile(@"file1", @file1)
  WriteFile(@"file2", @file2)
  WriteFile(@"file3", @file3)


  if Flash.Exists(@"file3") and not Flash.Exists(@"Apples")



PRI ShowStats() | BlocksUsed, BlocksFree, Files

  BlocksUsed, BlocksFree, Files := Flash.Stats()
  debug(udec(BlocksUsed, BlocksFree, Files))

PRI ShowFiles() | ID, Bytes, Handle, Ptr, x, byte Filename[60], byte Buff[30]
    Flash.Directory(@ID, @Filename, @Bytes)                     'get next file
    if Filename[0]                                              'is there a filename?   
      ReadFile(@Filename, @Buff)                                'read file
      debug(zstr(@Filename), udec(Bytes, ID), zstr(@Buff))      'show filename, bytes, ID, and file contents
      quit                                                      'no more files, quit

PRI ReadFile(pFilename, pBuff) | Handle, x

  Handle := Flash.OpenRead(pFilename)                           'open file for reading

  repeat Flash.SizeOf(pFilename)
    byte[pBuff++] := Flash.ByteRead(Handle)                     'read bytes

  Flash.Close(Handle)                                           'close file

PRI WriteFile(pFilename, pBuff) | Handle

  debug("Writing: ", zstr_(pFilename))

  Handle := Flash.OpenWrite(pFilename)                          'open file for writing

  repeat                                                        'write bytes until 0 written
    Flash.ByteWrite(Handle, byte[pBuff])
  while byte[pBuff++]

  Flash.Close(Handle)                                           'close file


file1   byte    "The car goes.",0
file2   byte    "His cat meows.",0
file3   byte    "My boat floats.",0

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