Sample Palette Graphics Demo

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  • Object ID : 2636 (2013-05-20)
  • Author : Jim Fouch | added by Archiver
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This is a sample of a spin project I created sometime ago to create a replacement graphical instrument display.

It shows:

  • How to easily assign color palettes to screen tiles.
  • Create a grid overlay to see where the object fall into place within the tiles.
  • How to get around the double buffering if you're low on RAM.
  • How to create a tachometer type display by using vector graphics.
  • Create smoothly updating displays by tracking the changes in the data behind the display. (Only change what you have to)

I know it's not documented the best, but most will be able to see how it works. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

It will run on a Prop Demo Board with a simple button wired to Pin 7 pulled high to 3.3v with a 10K resistor. It uses the TV out.

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