Real Time Clock

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  • Object ID : 2129 (2013-05-20)
  • Author : Mathew Brown | added by Archiver
  • Content :
  • Microcontroller :
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Starts R.T.C. in a new cog.

Tracks both time, and date, with days in month/leap year day correction.

(Rev 1.01 ... Added weekday data. Automatically generated, based on the date)

Time/date can be set using the following...

  1. Via direct writes to timekeeping registers
  2. Via time & date setting methods
  3. Via loading with a 32 bit packed Microsoft format time

Time/date can be read using the following...

  1. Via direct reads from timekeeping registers
  2. Via return as strings representing time, date, or day of the week.
  3. Via return of a 32 bit packed Microsoft format time.

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