INS Math WGS84 Earth

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This application demonstrates a 250 Hz INS processor in full WGS84 rotating Earth calculations. Strapdown 3D acceleration and 3D rate gyro readings or linear acceleration and angular velocity outputs from flight simulation algorithm (coming soon) are injected by the SPIN program into a uM-FPU V3.1 Floating Point Coprocessor which does the number crunching using quaternion algebra and NED navigation frame related equations. Calling user defined functions in the FPU, the navigation state update cycle time is about 3.5 msec. The system can integrate in real time the body angular rates and the specific force data of a 6DOF strapdown IMU with 250 Hz data rate.

In this new version a comprehensive set of coordinate transformation utilities is included in the COMP_INS_MATH.fpu file.

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