4D Systems GOLDELOX uLCD display support code

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  • Object ID : 2630 (2015-10-13)
  • Author : Mark Owen | added by Archiver
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This collection of source code provides a minimal set of text and graphic rendering operations on a 4D Systems GOLDELOX uLCD display (eg: uLCD-144-G2, uOLED-128-G2 etc.)

Updated 2015-Oct-11 to incorporate minor changes as follows:

  • Device offline detection
  • More LED Bulb/Bar options
  • Support for switched ground power to display
  • Single button simple text menus

Files included in the attached zip file:

File Name



tests of GOLDE_UI.spin and associated code


minimal set of text and graphic operations sent via serial communications to a 4D Systems uLCD display with a GOLDELOX processor


FullDuplexSerial wrappers/glue routines for serial transmissions to uLCDserialGOLDE.4dg


a slightly modified version of FullDuplexSerial incorporating a CTS pin for flow control and 128 byte buffers


4DGL Source code for compilation/download via 4D Systems Workshop to implement the text and graphic operations on a GOLDELOX display


A single button polling function used by GOLDEtest

Also required for operation:

a 4D Systems GOLDELOX based display (Parallax and Mouser sell them)

Operations implemented:

  • PUB Start(rx,tx,cts,reset)
  • PUB Stop
  • PUB PowerUp(gndGatePin,rx,tx,cts,reset)
  • PUB PowerDown(gndGatePin)
  • PUB IsOffline
  • PUB ShowVersion(y,md,hm,c,r)
  • PUB GetGeometry
  • PUB Xmax
  • PUB Ymax
  • PUB GetCharGeometry
  • PUB Wchar
  • PUB Hchar
  • PUB ScreenMode(m)
  • PUB Clip(b)
  • PUB ClipWindow(a,b,c,d)
  • PUB Home
  • PUB Clear
  • PUB ClearHome
  • PUB FillMode(m)
  • PUB Color(c)
  • PUB ColorBG(c)
  • PUB BorderColor(c)
  • PUB TextColor(c)
  • PUB TextColorBG(c)
  • PUB TextAttributes(flags)
  • PUB TextOpacity(b)
  • PUB LinePattern(p)
  • PUB MoveTo(x,y)
  • PUB LineTo(x,y)
  • PUB Pixel(x,y,c)
  • PUB Rectangle(x,y)
  • PUB RectangleAt(x0,y0,x1,y1)
  • PUB Circle(r)
  • PUB CircleAt(r,x,y)
  • PUB EightLEDS(x,y,bits)
  • PUB OneLED(x,y,rgb)
  • PUB EightLEDSrgb(x,y,bits,rgbOn,rgbOff)
  • PUB LEDbar(x,y,n,bits,rgbOn,rgbOff)
  • PUB MoveToCR(x,y)
  • PUB Newline
  • PUB Textsize(n)
  • PUB SetStrAtIx(asz,ix)
  • PUB StrIx(ix)
  • PUB StrIxAt(ix,x,y)
  • PUB Str(asz)
  • PUB StrAt(asz,x,y)
  • PUB PrintDec(n,d)
  • PUB PrintDecAt(n,d,x,y)
  • PUB PrintInt(n)
  • PUB PrintIntAt(n,x,y)
  • PUB Hexadecimal(v)
  • PUB Hex4(v)
  • PUB Hex2(v)
  • PUB Hex1(v)
  • PUB HexadecimalAt(v,x,y)
  • PUB Hex4At(v,x,y)
  • PUB Hex2At(v,x,y)
  • PUB Hex1At(v,x,y)
  • PUB SetMenuItem(i,sz)
  • PUB SetMenuItems(asz,nsz)
  • PUB SetNMenuItems(n)
  • PUB SetMenuColors(fg,bg)
  • PUB ShowMenuItem(i)
  • PUB ShowMenu
  • PUB HighlightItem(i)
  • PUB UnhighlightItem(i)
  • PUB SetCurrentItem(i)
  • PUB GetCurrentItem
  • PUB HighlightNextItem
  • PUB CycleMenu(BTNpin)
  • PUB dec(value)
  • PUB decf(value, width)
  • PUB decx(value, digits)
  • PRI clrstr(strAddr, size)
  • PRI decstr(value)
  • PUB hex(value, digits)
  • PUB bin(value, digits)
  • PRI hexstr(value, digits)
  • PRI binstr(value, digits)
  • PUB strcat(dst, src)
  • PUB strcpy(dst, src)
  • PUB strncpy(dst, src, num)

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