28032 - Wide Angle PIR Sensor
28032 - Wide Angle PIR Sensor - Code Examples
28032 - Wide Angle PIR Sensor - Code Examples
Parallax GPS SIM33EAU demo supporting GNSS for SimpleIDE / C
4-channel/12-pin, High-performance, GND/3.3V-referenced ADC which reports in microvolts.
Connect to DFRobot MAX31855 Interface via I2C
Enables Parallax X-Band motion detector and counts pulses within specified window (milliseconds).
Combine 4 VL53L5CX TOF sensors with a PCF8575 Port Expander to create a single wide-angle sensor
Interacting with the VL53L5CX Time-of-Flight Sensor from our P2
An 8-bit instrumentation ADC using the Comp-DAC pin input mode operating as a SAR ADC.