Frequently Asked Questions
Getting Started
- Where can I find the Propeller 1 Application Notes?
The Parallax Downloads page includes the Propeller 1 Application Notes. Search for AN0 to get all the available articles.
This is the direct link:
- What is the Propeller Microcontroller?
The Propeller family of microcontrollers are multi-core realtime processors, designed to perform multiple tasks simultaneously and deterministically, without the need for interrupts or the dictates of an onboard operating system.
The Propeller 1 (P8x32A) has been in production since 2006, while the Propeller 2 (P2X8C4M64P) is a 2020 release.
- Where can I find FREE support?
- Join us at our monthly Propeller Live forum and ask questions directly to the Parallax engineering team. Check our Events page and click on the Propeller 1 & 2 tab for the latest dates.
- Join our friendly community forum where you can ask your Propeller 1 or Propeller 2 questions. The IDE development guys hang out on the forums too, so it's a great place to get their attention!
- E-mail us at
- Where can I download the FREE programming tools?
Popular community supported IDE's include:
- SPIN Tools IDE : Supports SPIN/PASM & SPIN2/PASM2
- Visual Studio Code : Supports SPIN2/PASM2, BASIC, C
- FlexProp : Supports SPIN/PASM, SPIN2/PASM2, BASIC, C
Compiler (Typically included with the above IDE's)
- PNUT Compiler : Official SPIN2/PASM2 Compiler for the Propeller 2
Refer to our Propeller Programming Tools Comparison Chart for more details.
- What hardware will I need to get started with the Parallax Propeller 2?
We recommend our Propeller 2 Developer Starter Bundle, available from the Parallax Shop here:
- Display
- Smart-pin
- Iot
- Vl53l5cx
- Spin
- Fat32
- E-ink
- Muldiv64
- Usb
- Phy
- P2 Edge
- Hub75
- Filesystem
- Sensor Health
- Pcb
- P1
- Float
- Ambient Light Sensor
- Breadboard Mates
- Microvolts
- Ili9341
- Delay
- Ws2812b
- Xbee
- Bh1750
- Gateway
- Menu
- String
- Rfid Sensor
- Pasm2
- Serial Debug Terminal
- Dac
- Batch
- Motor
- Jonnymac
- Float Decimal Math
- Pcf8575
- 1-wire
- Clkset
- E-paper
- Pasm
- Spi
- Python
- 3d Model
- Adc
- Wireless
- Instrumentation
- Ssd1331
- Il-3820
- Gui
- Raspberry Pi
- Gps
- Emulation
- Pwm
- Stepper Motor
- Simpleide
- Firmware
- Motion
- Programmer
- Bldc Smart-pin
- Ws2811
- Gamma
- Motion Tracking
- Port Expander
- Jpeg
- P2
- Can Bus
- Rotary Encoder
- Lcd
- Flexprop
- I2c
- 9dof
- Rmii
- Thermocouple
- Schematic
- Serial
- Sprites
- Pin
- Canbus
- Vga
- Max31855
- Vrml
- Servo
- Matrix
- Timi
- Step
- Click
- Sk6812
- Spin2
- Ethernet
- Pca9685
- Flash
- Filter
- Qrcode Ssd1331
- Proptool
- Diptrace
- Parallax
- Ws2812
- Kicad
- Eink
- Dmx
- Fat16
- Led
- X-band
- Encoder
- Temperature Adc Sensor
- Mac
- Quadrature
- Tof
- Fonts
- Sensor
- Timer