ISP P2 180° Field of View TOF Sensor
Combine 4 VL53L5CX TOF sensors with a PCF8575 Port Expander to create a single wide-angle sensor
Combine 4 VL53L5CX TOF sensors with a PCF8575 Port Expander to create a single wide-angle sensor
Interacting with the PCF8575 I/O port expander from our P2
Interacting with the VL53L5CX Time-of-Flight Sensor from our P2
Driver and demo code for the generic SSD1306 type displays
the fifth parameter affects the readOnly setting. Set to anything other than 0 and you can’t write to the card. fat.FATEngineStart(_SD_DO, _SD_CLK, _SD_DI, _SD_CS, 0) fat.mountPartition(0) fat.newFile(string(“test.txt”)) fat.closeFile() fat.openFile(string(“test.txt”),”w”) fat.writeString(string(“this is file test.txt”)) fat.closeFile() fat.openFile(string(“test.txt”),”r”) fat.readData(@buffer,fat.fileSize()) debug(zstr(@buffer)) Refer to this…
A serial driver that can work with the Prop Tool Debug window (and regular terminals too)
Flash FS - a filesystem for the FLASH chip on the P2 Edge Module.
P2 Object for maintaining a single or 2-8 simultaneous serial ports using a single COG - 2.9Mbit/sec
P2 driver for Mikroe eINK adapter Click board™
P2 Object for using 16-channel 12-bit PWM I2C bus LED controller to drive 16 servos